Would You Prefer to Be or Have a BOSS or a LEADER?

There is a huge difference in a boss and a leader. I have had several bosses but not that many true leaders. Here is the difference between the two.

A boss is a demanding blowhard. He/She is bent on power and loves to lord it over his/her subordinates and expects them to bow down. He is a bully and uses intimidation, threats and force to get his employees to do what he wants. She has to literally make her subordinates to carry out her wishes because although they would never tell her, the subordinates secretly do not respect her and naturally resist her demands.

A Leader is sincere and is a team player. He/She works with subordinates in order to get the job done and get it done correctly. A leader is never a show off and doesn’t toot his/her own horn. He treats his subordinates with respect because he knows that in order to get people to do what he wants, he must treat them with respect and kindness.

A Boss browbeats and degrades his workers when they make a mistake. A Leader addresses the employee who made the error, yet gives that person positive reinforcement or constructive criticism.

A Boss gets his point across by yelling, cursing, and abuse of his employees and often refers to them as “underlings”, “peons” or “‘his’ people”. A leader gets his point across simply by having a great attitude toward his workers and being calm and level-headed. A leader refers to his subordinates as “people I work with”. Notice the word “with”

A leader will work with you. A boss will make sure the whole company knows that he is “over” you. A Leader is strong, competent and has impeccable people skills. A Boss is a weak windbag and bumbling idiot who has to trumpet his own importance and authority to get others to notice and it often has an undesired outcome.

A leader doesn’t mind hard work. He will help you out when you’re having difficulty completing a task and he will work just as hard as you to help you finish the job. A boss is useless and lazy. He will only stand over you and watch you struggle, complete with arms folded across the chest, legs wide apart and sour look or smirk on the face. A boss may even secretly take pleasure in seeing the subordinates struggle.

People are drawn to leaders like bees to honey and love them. On the other hand, people despise bosses and will cross a busy street if necessary to avoid them. People are also more than happy to do what the leader wants because the leader always makes them feel valued. The leader naturally has others eating out of his hand with very little effort, whereas the boss only gets resistance from others and people will do the exact opposite of what he wants because the boss makes people feel low and taken advantage of. A boss isn’t even an afterthought to others but a leader is unforgettable. A boss is a schmuck! A leader is a champion!

Bosses come a dime a dozen but Leaders are very few and far between. Anybody can be a boss but it takes a very special individual to be a leader. So, which would you prefer to work for? A boss or a leader? Which would you prefer to be? A boss or a leader?