Forgiveness Doesn’t Mean Foolishness

Although healthy, forgiveness doesn’t mean you think what they did to you was okay. Far from it. What it means is that you refuse to let those who transgressed against you set up camp in your mind. It means that you refuse to hold onto grudges that may block you from your rightful blessings. In this, you make room for growth and success.

Sadly, too may people think that forgiveness means that you must become buddy-buddy with the person and have something to do with them. They then wonder why they keep getting hurt. Realize that bullies only see forgiveness as a weakness and stupidity. They view forgiveness as a green light to continue their abuse because they take for granted that you’ll always be okay with it.

Understand that forgiveness doesn’t obligate you to interact with the person who did you wrong. It doesn’t mean you continue to be someone’s fool. You can forgive someone and still realize that they’re no good. Toxic people are dead weight and though you may forgive them, you realize that it’s still best to keep them at arm’s length.

You’re strong enough to forgive but wise enough to avoid toxic people.

You avoid them because you realize that these people will only take your forgiveness for foolishness. Because these people have a history of pushing your boundaries, you’re forgiving, yet assertive.

Forgiveness is great because it gives you peace of mind. However, if you continue to allow these people to have a place in your life, they will only continue to take advantage of you. You don’t have to be mean to or mistreat them but there’s no law that says you have to trust them again. It’s better that you don’t trust them.

Some people you must forgive from afar.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

May We Never Forget 9/11

I can’t help but look back on the past twenty-one years since that horrible tragedy that befell our beloved nation. My heart aches for the lives lost on that fateful day and for the loved ones left behind.

I also mourn the loss of the America that I grew up in. It was the America that my Daddy served and took great pride in. Also, it was an America whose people once felt secure and free in. I remember an America whose schools always began the day with the Pledge of Allegiance and The Lord’s Prayer. We lived in an America without some of the ridiculous laws of today. I remember an America whose people were never afraid to call something what it is. Most importantly, I remember an America that was not afraid to profess its faith in God.

I grieve for a once-great nation who’s people were proud to be Americans instead of ashamed of it. We were proud to fly Old Glory on our lawns and it never occurred to us that there would one day be those who would try to force us to take it down. I grew up during a time when standing on the flag was unheard of. In those days, great care was taken so that it never even touched the ground.

Our Country Was Never the Same as Before 9/11

I watched in horror as the Twin Towers burned on my television screen that morning. Somehow, I knew that this country would never again be the same.  And just as I feared, life as we knew it was forever changed.

I remember the images on the news as does everyone else. I recall the towers burning and falling and the streets being covered with ash, plane parts, concrete, and papers.

But the image that haunts me the most is of people plummeting 100 stories to their deaths to escape the intense heat of burning jet fuel.

For the life of me, I cannot comprehend the terror that went through their minds as they plunged to the hard asphalt below. The gut-wrenching feeling of knowing that I am inevitably about to die and having to choose which way to go is unfathomable. I can’t imagine the alternative being so horrible that I would have to jump from so high up!

I hope and pray that no one will ever again be put in a situation to where they would have to make a horrible and soul-shaking decision. Ever! I also hope and pray that we the people can rise up and take back the values and morals of yesterday. And I’m confident that we will once again be the freer, happier and more care-free country we once knew.

In God We Trust
God bless the USA

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C6.5

Twenty minutes later, Kim arrived with two kids. The two friends sat in Brielle’s living room and talked for over an hour while Kennedy slept in her play pin. Jane, Olivia, and Kim’s children Jacob and Caleb played Jacks on the kitchen floor.

“So, you got the extreme displeasure of meeting Grant Lindsay’s crazy wife, Misty. Huh, Brielle?” Kim said, snickering.

“I knew her in school, Kim. She was crazy then and she’s even crazier now. Idiots like her get more unhinged with age,” Brielle answered.

“You know, Brielle? You’re not the first woman she’s done that to. Misty’s gone after a lot of women because of Grant,” Kim informed her.

“Really? So, Grant is a cheater?”

“Bigtime, girl! He’s practically a living legend around here. Some years back, he was sneaking out with a real young girl named Michelle and Misty threatened to beat her ass if she ever ran into her,” Kim continued.

Kim Serves the Thomasville Tea

“Wow! Sounds like Misty’s got her hands full with Grant, huh?” Brielle reckoned.

“You got that right. I’m surprised Grant hasn’t ended up with Herpes or some shit!”

“But why would anyone think I’d ever even consider going out with a married man? I just don’t do that nonsense, Kim. I’m not going to be anyone’s side-chick. If I get into a relationship, I want to be the only one! Because, as I see it, if a man will cheat on his wife, he’ll cheat on you too. And I have more respect for myself than that. If I’m going to date a man, I want one who’s available- one of my own! If Misty’s smart, she’ll leave that piece of scum and get tested for STDs.”

“I hear you, girl. But listen. It’s going around that you were a dancer back in
California and people are starting to watch you. I know you’re a great person and how you lived your life in the past doesn’t bother me. I would never judge you. But there are a lot of scumbags and busybodies in this town who will. I just want to warn you. People around here aren’t very forgiving,” Kim warned.

“Yeah, I know. I went to school with a lot of them. Remember?” Brielle said with a smile.

An Angry Husband

Kim smiled back.

Suddenly, Brielle and Kim heard a knock at the door. Brielle rose from her seat and answered the door. It was Kim’s husband Hank.

“Is my wife in there?” He asked in an annoyed tone.

“Sure.” Brielle answered, “Kim, it’s Hank.

When Kim came to the door, Hank grew angry.

“What the hell are you doing over here! I come home from a hard day’s work and you’re over here yapping with Brielle when you should be home getting dinner ready! You and these kids bring your asses back to the house, now!”

“I was just talking to Brielle, and I lost track of time,” Kim replied as she scrambled to gather her sons.

“You were just! You were just being a little gossip! You’re always running your mouth when you should tend to your own business and your own family! Now get these kids and get home!” Hank snapped.

Brielle saw the look of shock and pain on Kim’s face.

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Okay?” Kim whispered as she and Brielle hugged each other, “Come by the salon sometime and we’ll drink some more tea.”

“I’ll sure will,” Brielle whispered back.

And Kim and the kids left.

Life Begins When We Stop Seeking Approval

Sadly, many targets of bullying seek approval from others. Often, the people they seek approval, validation, and acceptance from are mostly people who absolutely could care less about them. Even worse, those many targets seek approval from are their bullies-  people who have absolutely zero respect for them. Counterproductive, no?

What targets don’t realize is that most others’ opinions have absolutely no bearing on their lives. Yuck!

If you are a target of bullying and this applies to you, ask yourself these questions aloud:

If these people never gave a hoot about me or my life to begin with, then who are they that I should seek approval from?

Who are they that I must impress?

Are they really so important that I should pretend to be someone I’m not?

Who are they that I have to lie?

Who are they that I must expend so much of my effort and energy for?

Are these creeps people I should chase and crawl up behind?

Who are they that I should beg?

Never Give Anyone Value They Haven’t Earned

Notice those last two questions and the words “chase,” “crawl up behind,” and “beg.” They will immediately jump out at you and may even make you angry. And you know what? They should. Remember that you’re seeking their approval. Therefore, those three things are basically what you’re doing. Never seek approval from bullies, abusers, or anyone who neither respects you nor gives a crap about you. Because, when you do, you are, in a sense, giving them value they haven’t earned.

If, at any time, you must suppress parts yourself to gain validation, approval, or acceptance from another person, you short change yourself.  Realize that a bully will never add value or benefit to your life. Therefore, they haven’t earned the honor and privilege of being in your life. They don’t even deserve to be in your presence.

When you submit to and follow the standards of others for the sake of validation and acceptance, you only lower your own standards.

You Don’t Need the Approval of Anyone Who Isn’t Worthy

Stop busting your butt to gain other people’s approval because their approval isn’t needed. And their opinions need not apply. If anyone ever tries to impose their so-called rules and standards on you, especially if they aren’t your parents, or a well-meaning teacher or supervisor, you have not only a right but an obligation to yourself to tell that person to go crawl back under the horse-apple they wormed and wiggled their way from beneath.

Understand that you only give these creeps something they haven’t earned, don’t deserve, and have no business having- you give them your power! You give them your freedom!

You give them control over your life! The above are things they have no right to and that are yours and yours alone, and these precious commodities are those they will only exploit, use, and abuse.

But once you take them back by ceasing to care what they think, your life will only get better. Take it from me. I’m living proof.

Life begins when you stop caring about their opinions and begin living life on your terms. Try it. I guarantee that you’ll thank yourself later!

Don’t you know you deserve to be happy? I do.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C6.4

At Thomasville Middle School, Olivia was eating her lunch alone and the kids around her were snickering and pointing fingers. A girl approached Olivia’s table, holding her tray.

“Mind if I sit down?” the girl asked.

“Sure, go ahead,” Olivia answered.

“Never mind these jerks, I’m Carmen,” the girl said as she sat down across from Olivia, set down her tray, and stretched out her hand.

“Olivia,” Olivia said as she shook Carmen’s hand.

“Are you the girl whose mom videotaped the sheriff?” Carmen asked.

Olivia paused, giving Carmen a suspicious glare.

“No, relax. I think your mom did a brave thing. It’s about time somebody stood up to that creep. He’s been harassing my family for years. And he still does. He gives my mom a hard time,” Carmen said in a serious tone, “And it’s going around that he had something to do with the death of our last sheriff, Sheriff Crawford. He was my dad.”

“Oh, my goodness, Carmen. I’m so sorry. Honestly, I don’t know anything about that. I don’t know anything about this place, period,” Olivia said.

A girl’s voice sounded behind Olivia and Carmen.

“Well, looky-here, y’all! Carmen the Varmint is sitting with the new girl!”

Another girl’s voice sounded.

“Well, that new girl’s mom had the nerve to try and get our sheriff in a heap of trouble by posting some stupid video! Birds of a feather always flock together!”

This was followed by a chorus of cruel laughter.

Later that afternoon, at the Markowitz house, Brielle and Popeye sat in the living room across from each other, sipping coffee and talking. Popeye finished his cup and rose from the lounge chair. Kennedy sat in her play pin, frantically shaking her rattle, then picked up a small teddy bear and seemed to study it, turning it every which way and looking carefully at it. The play pin sat beside the sofa Brielle was sitting on, not far from the big picture window.

The sound of a school bus and the squeal of breaks sounded, followed by the sound of running footsteps and giggling girls. The front door then flew open, and Jane and Olivia came into the house, carrying their backpacks. The baby flinched from the sudden arrival, then looked up and smiled.

“Hey, Mom! Hey Popeye!” the girls as they hurried past, on the way to their bedrooms.

“Hi, girls,” Brielle said cheerily.

“Howdy, girls!” Popeye said, glad to see them.

Popeye smiled and finished his cup of coffee before he and Brielle then rose to their feet.

“Welp. I would sit and talk more, Brielle. But I got a field to tend to. Can’t neglect the crops, you know. Harvest time is just around the corner,” Popeye said, “Thank you for the coffee. You make some good coffee.”

“You’re very welcome, Popeye. Stop by anytime,” Brielle said with a smile.

“I sure will,” Popeye said with a nod and a handshake before walking out the door.

“How was your first day of school, girls?” Brielle called back.

“Don’t ask,” Olivia called back.

“Boring,” Jane answered from her bedroom.

Brielle shook her head as she bent down and took the empty mugs off the coffee table in front of the sofa. She took them into the kitchen, then came back into the living room. She sat down on the sofa, picked up her smartphone from the coffee table, and touched the screen before placing it to her ear.

Most Bullies are Fakers and Posers

During high school, I can’t count the classmates who were posers and fakers. My guess was that these posers accounted for at least half of the class. It shouldn’t be surprising that in high school, everything is based on appearances. Therefore, those who fake it the best and most convincingly are the ones who are bullies and usually, most popular.

However, most high school kids don’t pay attention to detail. Thankfully, I was one of the few who did.

In the lunch line, I would notice that most of the guys in the clique would wear their flashy, designer clothes. Yet, most of them would pull out a cheap, fifteen-dollar wallet to pay for their lunches.

Cheap Wallets and Knock-off Handbags

Also, the girls in the clique would wear their high-fashion clothes. However, cheap, knock-off “Gucci” handbags would be hanging from their shoulders and arms. If you paid close attention and had an eye for detail, you could tell by the stitching patterns and thread counts, that these purses were fake.

All through the school, you would see the fake gold, Rolex watches. They also wore faux fur and suede, cheap costume jewelry, and fake leather and snakeskin. It was laughable at best!

Just to be clear, I have no qualms with anyone who has these items. Heck, they may like them. However, when you’re a bully and you buy these knock-offs to look like you’re rolling in money, you only look ridiculous. And you get no respect. Sorry.

In contrast, most targets of these bullies don’t feel like they need to have all that fake crap, yet they’re the ones bullied.

Targets, You’re Better Than That, and They Know It

You may still be wondering what the point to this story is. The point is that, if you’re a target, your bullies will most likely bully you over your virtues, not your faults. Also, they will project their fakery and insecurities onto you.

In short, people who are authentic and real- who are comfortable with being themselves, are those most likely to suffer bullying. It’s just a fact of this crazy world we live in.

So, I want you to know that when people bully you, it is not because you’re doing something wrong. It’s because you’re doing something right. And it’s not that there’s something wrong with you, it’s because there’s something right with you.

Most posers bully others because they’re angry that they must work so hard at being fake and they’re jealous of anyone who doesn’t. Therefore, your self-esteem should soar when you realize this fundamental truth. Posers hate and bully authentic people because they are complete opposite of them.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

Behind the Bullies’ Most Vicious Attacks

A crowd of people surrounded the red man. Accusation of crime, mob law over a person, lynch court. The leader in the center of the crowd, the leader, an example for diving. Angry crowd

The subconscious mind is a funny thing. And when we call out the deplorable behavior of bullies, their knee-jerk reaction is to get highly defensive. These people panic! They get irate, raise their voices, scream, curse, and call you the most horrible names in the English language. Even worse, some bullies get physically violent. Have you ever wondered why?

It’s because, in the deepest parts of their subconscious minds, the bullies know they are wrong. However, they were counting on your silence to shield them from exposure and accountability. They didn’t get that from you (your silence).

No. You called the bullies out in public. You put them on blast- exposed them naked before the rest of the class, school, workplace, or community. Now, the bullies must put in a lot of extra work in order to do damage control.

You had to open your mouth. You challenged the bullies’ (perceived) authority. Having the gall to defend yourself,  you refused to be controlled (Gasp! How dare you!). And now, your bullies are scared to death. But more than that, they’re furious, and they’re out for blood this time. And you can be sure that your bullies’ fury has roots- and those roots are fear!

Bullying. Marginalized child. Concept illustration. Scene shows a child suffering harassment and marginalization from other children.

When bullies attack you the fiercest, that’s when you know they’re scared to death!

Think of it this way. When a warplane is over it’s target, that’s when the battle is at it’s absolutely worst. All at once, every anti-aircraft gun around ground zero unloads their full firepower on the plane. The enemy releases a fury unlike any other. Why? Because the plane is too close! And the closer to the target the plane gets, the worse the battle will rage.

It’s the same with bullies. When they know that you’re right over the mark and that you’re exposing them. They panic! Because they’re afraid that their skeletons just might come out to play and, boy! Do they come unglued and launch an attack like you’ve never seen! That’s when you know you’ve got your bullies figured out.

And when people get scared, they get desperate! And when people get desperate, they get crazy- they can even get dangerous!

Bullies know what happens if they are exposed. They risk losing face, then ultimately, losing power!

The second most common fear your bullies have is that you just might reach success of some kind and threaten their sense of superiority. Why, because, again, your success may help shine the light on the bullies’ own failures and shortcomings. It may cause others to compare the bullies to you and they just might figure out that the bullies aren’t so hot after all and that you aren’t so weak, dumb, and unimportant after all.

Therefore, again, anytime it seems that your bullies are attacking you the hardest and the most frequently- anytime the bullying you suffer is at it’s absolute worst- it’s usually because you’re onto something.

With knowledge comes power!

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C6.3

When Brielle heard a second knock at the door, she became frustrated.

“Oh, Lord! Who is it now!” she sighed as she got up again.

When Brielle answered the door, she found Popeye on her doorstep.

“How can I help you, Popeye?” She asked kindly but still visibly shaken.

“I just wanted to see if you were alright. I was across the field tending to my crops when I heard shouting and saw a vehicle peel away.” He told her in a voice of concern.

“Oh, that was Misty Allen Lindsay, Grant Lindsay’s wife- accusing me of having an affair with the creep just because he was over here the other morning investigating that burglary.” Brielle told him, “She still uses such horrible language, just like she did in school. Come in. I was just feeding the baby.”

She let Popeye in the house.

“Misty Lindsay? Aw, that woman is crazier than a bitsy bug! You ain’t the only woman she’s accused of banging Grant, you know! She’s always accusing other women of doing her husband! Like his privates are made of solid gold!” Popeye said before giving a loud chuckle.

“Yuck! The guy is nothing to look at! In fact, he’s uglier than the bottom of my shoe! Even worse, Grant Lindsay’s so stupid, he couldn’t pour piss out of a boot even if the instructions were on the heel!” Brielle told him, “How she thinks anyone would want his useless butt is beyond my comprehension!”

Popeye gave another chuckle. The baby began crying in the kitchen.

“I’m headed to the kitchen to finish feeding the baby. You want some coffee? Some breakfast, maybe?” Brielle asked politely.

“I’ll take some coffee.” Popeye answered.

Brielle smiled as she went into the kitchen.

“You got it!” she assured.

Meanwhile, at Thomasville High School, the students there were changing classes, going from their third period class to lunch. Carrying a backpack full of books, Jane made a stop by the girl’s restroom. She walked into the crowded, well-lit school bathroom and walked past the long vanity and long mirror.

A crowd of girls were busy gossiping, primping, applying lip gloss, brushing their hair, and touching up on their mascara. Jane eased her way through the crowd of clamoring girls and walked into the first empty stall she came to. Cigarette smoke wafted through the bathroom, coming from the last stall, which was furthest from the door.

After Jane finished, she rose from the toilet, zipped, and buttoned her jeans, and opened the stall door to leave when she was startled to see Janessa, April, and one more waiting girl leaning on each side of the stall with their arms folded and smirks on their faces.

“Welcome to Thomasville High…Jane.” Janessa said in a half-threatening, half-sarcastic voice.

“Thanks.” Jane said as she started to walk past the girls.

The girls only moved to block her path. Jane gave Janessa and the rest of the girls a look of contempt.

“What’s your problem?” She asked, annoyed, and continued to move past them, but Janessa shoved her back.

“Hey! What are you? Psycho?” Jane chided.

The three girl-bullies came into the stall and crowded Jane, making sure to pin her in. The maybe twenty other bystanders suddenly stopped and stared. The clamoring sounds turned to sounds of gasps, oh-my-gods, and uh-ohs, then silence.

“Looks like you’re the one with the problems.” Janessa bit.

“I don’t think so.” Jane countered, “Excuse me please.”

And she forcefully shoved her way past the girls, knocking Janessa against the inside of the stall and walked out. Janessa and her friends stood there and sneered at Jane as she made her way toward the bathroom door.

“Whooooaaa!” The bystanders shouted as they jumped back.

“What the fuck! Oh, you want to push past somebody? Who do you think you are, bitch!” Janessa shouted.

Jane only walked out the door without responding, hearing derisive giggles and whispers behind her. Janessa and her friends looked at each other in indignance.

“Oh, no! She did not just shove past us! She did not!” April shouted.

“Oooh, she’s gonna pay dearly for that!” Janessa vowed resentfully.

“Damn right she is!” Samantha, the third girl added.

That Block Button is There for a Reason

Here’s a truth you might not like to read or hear. Not everyone on your social media friends list is your friend. Therefore, it doesn’t matter who you are. Everyone has at least one snoop on their friends list- people who are only there to watch you.

Snoops are really just another brand of cyber-stalker because they’re on your friends list.

I have them, you have them, we all have them. There will be people who send you friend requests, or people you think are friends who accept yours. Next, three months, six months, maybe a year or more goes by and you won’t get as much as a like from them, much less a comment.

When the new friend makes no attempt to interact with you, you soon forget about the person. And you focus on the people who interact with you the most.

However, suddenly, wham! You get the first comment from them. And it’s laced with vitriol and vulgarity, blasting you because you posted something they didn’t like. Again, understand that snoops, as I like to call them, friend you, then constantly clock your page. They wait with bated breath for you to post something that gives them an excuse to flame you.

Are They Friends or Snoops?

However, look at it this way. This person has now showed you their true colors. They were never your friend but were only there to keep an eye on your posts and interactions.

Realize that your social media page is your digital real estate. It’s your domain. And you have every right to post what you want on your page if it isn’t hateful or violent. Furthermore, if some lowlife blasts you for any reason, then you must unfriend and block.

Understand that this is about setting boundaries. And, if you don’t set boundaries, you can bet that others will notice and think they can troll you too.

People put entirely too much importance on likes, followers and friends. But that’s for another post.

However, lack of engagement is one of the major warning signs that the new friend is a snoop. Another reg flag is when they attack you for something you post. Sadly, we live in a society in which people pick even the most innocent things apart and twist it into something to gripe about.

All the more reason why you should not be afraid to use that block button. You are not responsible for someone else’s feelings. And you must stop worrying about the number of friends on your friends list.

Quality is much more important than quantity. Just because you have five thousand friends on your list doesn’t mean they’re worth having. Always remember that.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C6.2

At Thomasville Middle School, Olivia sat in Mrs. Fisher’s homeroom as the teacher made her way down the rows of desks, handing each child she came to a math book and science book.

Olivia took her books and opened them, scanning them and reading the table of contents. Suddenly, she sensed that she was being watched. She looked up to see the kids around her staring at her. A few of them turned to each other and whispered in the other’s ear. Then she heard giggles.

After Mrs. Fisher was through handing out textbooks, she walked over to Olivia’s desk and stood beside her.

“Class, we have a new student. Meet Olivia Markowitz from California. Please make her feel welcome and help her anyway you can.” She announced before returning to her desk.

Awkward Stares

Loud whispers rose from the class and many of the other kids cut their eyes at Olivia. Olivia returned the stares.

“Her mom’s the one who posted that video. My mom pointed her out to us during registration.” One girl whispered.

Another girl gasped, “Noooo!”

“You know her mom’s Brielle Bennett! My mom went to school with her mom and she say’s that Brielle was trash and that nobody liked her! So, nobody’s going to like her daughter sitting over there either!”

Hearing this, Olivia sighed as she tried to distract herself by reading the textbook in front of her.

Meanwhile, Brielle was at home, in the kitchen. She placed the baby in her highchair and was about to sit down and feed little Kennedy when she heard a knock at the door. Bandit began the usual long cluster of suspicious barks and Brielle rose from the table.

An Unexpected and Unpleasant Visit

“Bandit, be quiet!” She ordered.

Bandit kept barking.

“Hold on, sweetie, Mommy will be right back.” Brielle gently assured the baby before headed for the front door.

When she answered it, a blonde woman in scrubs, obviously a nurse, was standing on her doorstep. She looked at the woman’s nametag and it read, “Misty Lindsay, RN.” Brielle didn’t have to read the name tag, she instantly recognized Misty from the reunion and her guard immediately went up.

“How may I help you?” She asked suspiciously.

“’Word’s going around that my husband, Grant Lindsay, was at your house the other night. So, you’re the bitch who’s been sleeping with my husband!” Misty shouted in a jealous rage.

A Jealous and Angry Wife

“What!” Brielle shouted back.

The baby’s cries sounded off, coming from the kitchen. Bandit continued barking louder behind Brielle. She looked back toward the kitchen, wanting to go see about her crying baby.

“Look, I’m busy, Misty!” she said in a cold tone.

But Misty continued, ignoring the baby’s cries.

“I want you to stop sleeping with my fucking husband!”

“Lady, you’ve lost your ever-loving mind! He was here investigating a damn burglary, for God’s sake!”

“Really? Well, I heard he was investigating a hell of a lot more than a goddam burglary! He was investigating the inside of your panties is what I was told!”

A Ridiculous Accusation

Suddenly, Bandit appeared, viciously snarling and barking as he tried to rush past Brielle to charge the threatening presence that stood on the doorstep.

Misty jumped back in horror!

“So, help me Jesus! If that dog bites me, I’ll sue your ass in the ground and have that mangy mutt taken and put down!” she threatened viciously.

Brielle grabbed Bandit by the collar and held him back before returning her glare to Misty.

“You get the hell off my property, lady! You’re nuts!” Brielle shot back, yelling over the barking dog, before slamming the door in Misty’s face.

“This ain’t over yet, bitch!” Brielle heard Misty scream on the other side of the door. She then heard the cranking of an automobile engine. The engine revved loudly, then she heard the squeal of tires as Misty peeled away in a rage.

Just across the road, was the field that Popeye happened to own. He was tending to it when he heard the shouts coming from Brielle’s place, heard the door slam. He stopped and watched as a short blonde woman stormed her way to a black SUV, got in, and peeled away.

Popeye set his garden hoe down and walked across the street. He then knocked at Brielle’s door.

A Feeding Frenzy

About 200 beasts hungrily stood in line to get their pound of flesh.
The first time they saw me they envisioned meat so succulent and fresh.

As they rooted and feasted on my frail body they locked their jaws so rough.
The bloody, meaty pieces were so addictive they couldn’t get enough.

With bottomless pits, they came back for more, more, and more still.
No matter how much flesh they took, they could never get their fill.

As they looked at me from their desks with fire and brimstine in their eyes.
They salivated, smacking their lips and licking their chops and they did rise.

To the occasion.
In anticipation.

Their eyes narrowed into little slits as they bore their stained-pink teeth at me.
But although they’d sink them deeper into my jugular, my death wasn’t to be.

They smelled the fear and lusted after my blood as they anticipated.
This wolf pack stayed ravenous and were never close to satiated.

The brutal kill and resulting feast they desired but could never quite attain.
Because they could never be satisfied with even the maximum amount of pain.

These vampires, they desired to suck the lifeblood from my body until there was no more left.
Only of my life-giving blood, they could never quite leave me bereft.

So they couldn’t resist nor get enough of it’s sweet but metallic taste.
They couldn’t rip and tear severely enough, so their energy they’d only waste.

They couldn’t get enough of the deliciousness of the raw meat of power.
So in their discontent they’d sit and in bitterness they would glower.

While grinding their boot heels into the back of my neck.
In their evil favor, they had to work feverishly to stack the deck.

But surprise, I survived and my body’s gaping wounds did close and heal.
My precious life’s blood those vampires could never completely steal.

I finally escaped my evil predators and began to grow stronger.
Under their dirty, nasty, grubby paws I remained trapped no longer.

The near-fatal, bleeding wounds they inflicted soon turned to scars.
But you see? The scars bullies inflict can help you reach the stars.

Responding to Non-Verbal Bullying

If someone wants to harm you, they don’t have to come out and tell you. Just the same, if they want you gone, they needn’t tell you to “get the hell out.”

All they must do is glare at you and hope they can either intimidate you into leaving, or make you think you’re about to get hurt. In a case like this, the tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife. Worse even, others might feel the animosity between you and personal history may ruin an otherwise good day.

So, you’re a target and you’re at a party or get-together, and suddenly, you see your bully across the room. Your eyes lock and she sends you a threatening glare. She is giving you the message that she intends to make your day a really bad one. You have choices. Either you can turn tail and run, or you can spend the rest of the day avoiding the bully.

Again, how you handle it is your choice.

But wait! Here’s another choice- a better choice! You can smile at the bully, nod your head, then turn your back to her. If you want to be a smart alick, add a wave.

Therefore, you will non-verbally send your own message back to your bully, one that is very clear. You signal that she doesn’t scare you and that you have no intentions of running. Instead, you intend to stay and enjoy yourself with the other people at the shindig. And you will do this whether the bully likes it or not.

Ouch! This is not the response your bully expected!

In that, you’ve responded to the bully without being aggressive or capitulating to their silent demands that you either cower or leave.

Understand that bullies use nonverbal means to not only send you a cruel message, but also to make their bullying less obvious to anyone else but you. Therefore, it’s better not to respond to nonverbal bullying with words. Instead, reflect your own nonverbals back to the bully that signal that you aren’t afraid of her.

Again, nonverbal bullying requires a response that is also nonverbal. And your response should say that you will not cower or run. Instead, you will stick around, ignore the bully, and do your thing.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C6

Judgemental girls tauting fellow student

Chapter 6

New Town, New Schools, New Problems

The following Tuesday was the first day of school for Jane and Olivia. With baby Kennedy sitting in one of the back seats, in her safety seat and babbling away, Brielle gave Olivia a kiss, then dropped her off at Thomasville Middle School, then drove to Thomasville High School, which happened to be next door to the Middle School and dropped Jane off after giving her a kiss.

“Have a good day, Jane. And remember what I told you the other night.” Brielle told her.

“Yeah, I know, Mom.” Jane said before getting out of the car.

Jane walked inside the school, stopped, and took out her schedule. After reading it, she looked around. Suddenly, someone ran into her from behind. They then gave her a hard shove forward.

“Hey, you dumb bitch! Move outta my way! If you had any sense, you wouldn’t stand in the walkway!” A girl’s voice shouted.

Off to a Bad Start

She was a redheaded, freckle-faced girl who reminded Jane of Little Orphan Annie. Jane gave her a dirty look as the redhead passed her, giving her a glare that was equally dirty as she walked by. Jane had to wrestle with herself to keep from drop kicking the girl. But it was the first day of school and the last thing she wanted to do was to get a bad name in her new school before anyone got a chance to get to know her.

Jane continued down the hall, passing rows of lockers, checking the room numbers on the classroom doors and glancing at her schedule before she finally came to her homeroom class. She walked in and immediately caught sight of the redheaded girl who’d shoved her just a few minutes earlier.

The girl was sitting at one of the desks in the back of the classroom and saw Jane too. She immediately turned to the girl beside her.

School Bullies Take an Interest in Jane

“Who the hell is that girl?” The curly redhead asked her friend.

“I don’t know, Janessa. I’ve never seen her. She must be new here.”

“Well, she was in my way this morning, standing in the middle of the walkway like an idiot. And I gave her a good hard shove. She’s lucky I decided to be nice and not kick her ass.” Janessa growled, looking at Jane like she wanted to kill her and making sure to say what she had to say loud enough for Jane to get an earshot.

“Girl! You don’t know me. I’d flatten your ass before you’d have time to throw the first punch!” Jane thought as she stared Janessa down.

Jane took a seat at one of the front desks and Janessa sat in the back and continued to glare a hole through the back of Jane’s head.

“Did you see how that bitch just looked at me? Boy, she’s really asking for it! I’m telling you, April.” Janessa told the girl who sat beside her, “I really don’t want to have to whoop somebody’s ass on the first day of school.”

Targeting the New Kid

More and more students filed into the classroom, and each took a seat until the classroom was filled with boisterous kids. Finally, Mrs. Dumas arrived and sat her gradebook and other classroom materials on her desk. She looked up past Jane.

“Janessa Holtz, April Hart, why don’t you move closer to the front where you can get a better classroom experience.” She said with a smile.

Janessa rolled her eyes, then looked at April and flashed a smirk. She then grabbed her notebook and moved to the seat directly behind Jane. There, she continued to eye the back of Jane’s head with a look of utter contempt as Jane sat quietly with her eyes focused on Mrs. Dumas and waiting for instructions. April also moved closer to the front and took the seat beside Janessa.

“Welcome back. And welcome to my class. We have a new student, and her name is Jane Markowitz. She comes to us all the way from California. Jane, will you please stand so that the class can get a better look at you?”

Spoiling for a Fight

Jane looked around as she rose from her seat. Both Janessa and April eyed Jane as she stood, then looked at each other with smirks on their faces. Jane began to hear whispers throughout the classroom.

“Oh my God! She’s the girl whose mom posted that video about the sheriff!”

“No way! That’s her!”

“Yep! Her mom’s a troublemaker and I’ll bet she is too! Like mother, like daughter!”

Mrs. Dumas spoke again.

“Okay, Jane, you can sit down now.”

Jane did as she was told. The whispers continued.

“Who the hell names their kid Jane these days! That’s an old-timey name!”

Reasons to Leave a Toxic Environment

A Positive Environment

When we’re in the right environment, one that is accepting, loving, and nurturing, we not only survive, but we also thrive. We can grow and flourish.

Therefore, in a positive environment, under the right conditions, we feel free to be ourselves. We can express our own ideas and opinions without fear. Also, we can feel safe and secure. We can be confident and build positive relationships with others. This gives us the freedom to be creative and show our talents.

The people around us encourage and support us. They are cooperative and give us the freedom to be and do. Most importantly, they nudge and push us to be our best. This is the kind of environment that nurtures our souls.

Whereas, in the wrong environment, one that is toxic, oppressive, restrictive, and harmful, we may only survive. We may only squeeze by. Instead of grow, we only stagnate, or worse, regress. Instead of flourish, we only wither.

A Toxic Environment

In a toxic environment, under terrible conditions, we aren’t free. We’re only prisoners, slaves, and victims.

Furthermore, humans need more than just food and water to survive, which means they also need positivity from their environments. They need positive people around them.  Also, human beings need diverse experiences instead of sameness.

Sadly, a toxic, bullying environment only promotes sameness. It doesn’t tolerate any form of diversity because it loathes anything different. Environmental stimuli have a huge impact on our psyches and social interactions. It can make us bitter or better. Our environments can cause progression or regression.

Therefore, it is so important that, if you find yourself in an environment that sucks the oxygen out of you, you must remove yourself from it. Though it may not always be easy to do, it’s a must if you want to salvage your self-esteem and mental health. In doing so, you will save yourself a lot of stress and heartache. Also, you will save yourself months of recovery.

With knowledge comes empowerment!

The-Not-Being-Able-To-Like-Any-Blogs-Saga-Continues! – Episode 3 — Tiny Life

Why Me? May 1st: Why is this insane issue continuing? Dear WordPress representative, I am receiving notices from WordPress: “ Congrats! Tiny Life is getting noticed.” while I’m still unable to like any blogs! This situation is schizophrenic! Please take the necessary measures to reinstate my capacity to like blogs! Sincerely, Alessandra Scarpulla Hello, I’m still being punished for […]

The-Not-Being-Able-To-Like-Any-Blogs-Saga-Continues! – Episode 3 — Tiny Life
Here’s another blogger who is in the same predicament as I. She has been flagged and doesn’t know when the Lords of WordPress plan to remove the flag. Know that I’m with you, Alessandra! God bless you, sweetie! 💖And we will never give up blogging. We will fight the good fight.