Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C10-4

The following week passed quickly. Friday arrived quickly and, as Brielle worked her shift at Bobtail Bud’s, the hours seemed to pass like minutes. At the end of Brielle’s shift, Atticus sent Jo to ask her to stop by his office before going home.

When Brielle arrived, Atticus smiled.

“Do come in, my busy little bee,” he said with a wink.

Brielle sat down in front of Atticus’ desk.

“So, what can I do you for, boss man?” Brielle said, smiling back.

“I just interviewed a new waitress and she starts tomorrow night. And you’ve worked so hard for me for over a year now. You even held down the fort while I was in the hospital and Jo was staying there with me. I want you to know that I haven’t forgotten that and if I haven’t thanked you yet, I’m doing it now,” Atticus told her in a sincere tone.

“You’re very welcome,” Brielle said sweetly, “You, Jo, and most of the staff here have been good to me and it’s why I love working here so much.”

Atticus Gives Brielle A Pleasant Surprise.

“I’m very happy to hear that, Brielle. I want to ask you a quick question. How would you like to have every other weekend off from now on? You’ll get to be home with your children every two weeks on Friday and Saturday. Also, you and Malcolm can have the weekend to go out.” Atticus offered.

Brielle smiled.

“I’ll take you up on that,” she said excitedly.

The following evening was Saturday and the Fair had arrived in Glover County, just in time for the Fall Festival, which was held every year, on the last weekend of September, from Thursday to Sunday.

As promised, Bruce took Jane to the fair, showing her the best time she had had since the big move east from California. They rode the spinning spider, the merry-go-round, and many other fascinating rides.

Later in the evening, she and Bruce rode the Farris wheel together, holding each other and laughing heartily. But, unbeknownst to the happily dating couple, several pairs of evil eyes that had watched them the entire evening, continued to watch from the crowds below.

Bruce Takes Jane to the County Fair

Breanna Lindsay, Audrey Crabtree, Chandler Ames, Kevin Hearns, and about five more of the clique were also at the fair. With eyes flashing and furrowed brows, each member of the clique seethed as they watched Bruce and Jane going round and round, and up and down on the Farris wheel. They could hear Jane’s laughter as Bruce took her in his arms. He then kissed her passionately provoking their angry scowls to intensify to the point of contorting.

Not far away, the Sheriff Bobby also watched the happy couple, standing near the refreshment stand alongside deputies Ashton Childers, Aaron Hughes, and Austin Eves; and sipping a hot Styrofoam cup of coffee.

Breanna then looked at Chandler, then at Audrey.

“Come on, y’all! Let’s squash this shit!” she growled in resentment.

When the Farris wheel stopped, Bruce and Jane were the first passengers to be let off. Bruce then took Jane’s hand in his and led her over to the tilt-a-whirl. They continued to hold hands as they stood at the back of the line, waiting for their turn to ride.

“Aww! Look over there at Mickey and Mallory, y’all! So happy and so in love!” Audrey cooed sarcastically.

Being Watched!

“Don’t they look cute?” Chandler gushed, his voice also dripping with sarcasm.

“Straight out of a Romeo and Juliet play,” Breanna sneered before Chandler nudged her with his elbow and sneakily slipped something in her hand.

Breanna stuffed the hand that held the mystery item down into her front pants pocket.

“Now, let’s give miss karate queen a little present,” Chandler said with an evil grin.

Slowly and quietly, Breanna and the clique walked toward Bruce and Jane. Breanna kept her occupied hand in her pocket as they got closer. The couple’s backs were facing the clique as they, cloaked by the crowd, crept closer. Breanna noticed that Jane’s purse was partially open as it hung off her shoulder by the strap and rested on the backside of her hip.

As Breanna and the rest of the clique walked past, Breanna quickly looked around to see if anyone else was watching, then removed her occupied hand from her pants pocket, reached into Jane’s purse. She then pulled an empty hand back out of the purse and kept walking. It happened so quickly.

Breanna then looked at Chandler.

The Plant.

“The package has been delivered,” she assured smugly.

“Oops! Someobody’s gonna get in trouble!” Audrey said in a soft, sing-song voice.

“Now, we proceed to the next step! Let’s do some real damage!” Rhonda Eves sneered.

Luckily, Roxie and her new boyfriend weren’t far off. Andy and Brenda, who had also began dating, were with them. Roxie’s face lit up when she caught site of Bruce and Jane.

“Hey, there’s Bruce and Jane. Come on, let’s go catch up with them,” she excitedly suggested to the rest of the friend group. As the other three turned around,  Roxie’s eyes widened as she watched Breanna stick her hand in Jane’s purse as she walked by her.

“Hey, wait a minute! Did you see that!” Roxie cried, “Breanna just dropped something in Jane’s purse!”

“That can’t be good! We gotta warn her! Come on, let’s go!” Brenda advised.

As they headed toward Bruce and Jane, three more members of the clique stepped in front of them.

“What’s your hurry?” Becky Lee asked as they blocked Roxie, Andy and Brenda from going anywhere.

Suddenly, Giles Crabtree, Janessa Holtz, April Hart, and Samantha Criss walked up from behind. Roxie and the other group of outcasts looked around to see that they were completely surrounded.

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C10-2

Brielle noticed the face-change.

“Malcolm, what is it?” she asked gently before turning around to see that none other than Sheriff Bobby Crabtree had entered the restaurant. He immediately looked in their direction.

Brielle quickly turned back around, sighing in dread. She looked at Malcolm and shook her head in displeasure.

“Boy, it’s a good thing we finished eating before he walked in here,” she quipped.

“Yeah. No kidding!” Malcolm said disdainfully eyeing the sheriff with a contemptuous glare.

Bobby turned and started toward the dating couple before stopping in front of them.

“Well, Malcolm. I thought that surely you had better taste than this,” he sneered before looking at Brielle, “And you? You should know that we’re watching you. We’re watching every move you make,” the sheriff warned.

Sheriff Bobby Tries to Spoil a Good Thing

“Oh, you mean, stalking me, don’t you? That is the correct term, isn’t it? I mean, seriously. Don’t you have a life, Bobby?” Brielle smarted off.

The sheriff continued, ignoring her last comment.

“You want to rock the boat, then you’d best have a life jacket handy. Because you just might end up tipping it over,” Bobby growled.

He then turned back to Malcolm.

“Roll in the mud with pigs and get just as dirty,” Sheriff Bobby told him before leaving.

Malcolm just sat there, glaring at the sheriff as if to burn a hole through him with his vision. His angry eyes followed the crooked county cop until he got in his cruiser and drove out of sight. He then looked at Brielle.

“That sorry piece of shit! C’mon. Let’s go somewhere we won’t be bothered by the likes of him,” he told her as he picked up the ticket, took out his wallet, and left a five dollar tip before they both approached the lady at the counter behind the cash register.

Class at Brielle’s

The following Monday morning, Kim’s and Raina’s children begin their first day of homeschool. They all met at Brielle’s house to help each other homeschool all the kids. Grandma Bennett had also arrived to help with the teaching. Brielle and Kim were just getting all the children seated to begin their home school lessons when they heard a knock at the door. When Brielle answered the door, she found two professional looking women on her doorstep, complete with nametags, “Child Protective Services,” on her doorstep.

“What can I do for you?” Brielle asked them.

“I’m Ann Crabtree and I’m an officer with the Glover County Juvenile Truancy Division. and this is Alyssa Lindsay, with Glover Country Child Protective Services,” Ann informed.

“Crabtree? Lindsay? Right. So, again, what can I do for you?” Brielle asked in a suspicious tone.

“The school board has just reported that your children aren’t in school. And we need to know why.” Ann, one of the two social workers demanded.

CPS and the Truancy Division Get Involved.

Grandma Bennett came out of the kitchen and stood behind Brielle, glaring at the two social workers.

“I’ll have you know that these kids are in school! We transferred them from their schools in Thomasville to Pathways Christian Home School! So, they are getting an education!” she shot back.

Kim and Raina, who were sitting at the table, helping the kids with their math, looked up. They then turned to the kids.

“You all stay here and stay seated. We’ll be right back,” Kim told them before she and Raina went into the living room to see what was going on. They then joined Grandma Bennett behind Brielle.

“What my grandmother just told you is correct. These kids are being homeschooled! And I have proof!” Brielle added before going into her bedroom. She opened her fireproof safe, and scooped up the paperwork from Passageways as proof that the girls were getting their education through the home school program.

When she returned to the door and presented Ann the paperwork, Ann and Alyssa read the documents, then handed them back to Brielle.

Brielle Shows Proof.

“Alright. And is this an accredited school?” Ann asked again.

“Yes. If it wasn’t, I don’t think the state would allow them to do business.” Brielle told her.

“That’s not necessarily so. But we’ll do some checking. Then we’ll be in touch.” Alyssa, the second worker interjected before they both left.

After Brielle closed the door, Grandma Bennett let out a long sigh.

“Oh, boy! Why do I get the feeling that this is only the beginning? This smells like the Glover County School Board is about to retaliate against Brielle and probably the rest of the parents who have pulled their kids out of the schools in Thomasville,” she concluded in a tone of dread.

A Sense of Foreboding.

“Yep! And you can bet that Bobby, the fake sheriff and the rest of those crooked cronies like Misty and Rita are in on it,” Raina added.

“Yep! Misty and Rita were on duty at the hospital when we brought Jane in after that knife-attack at school,” Grandma Bennett continued, “I saw those two tramps with my own two eyes!”

“Oh, that’s great! So, that’s what Bobby was talking about when he confronted me and Malcolm at Bon Appetit Saturday evening, “This is what he meant with his comment about rocking the boat,” Brielle told them.

“I hate to say it. But I’m with your grandmother on this, Brielle,” Kim told her, “I have a really bad feeling that this isn’t going away.”

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C10

Chapter 10

The Great Rude Awakening

When Malcolm arrived at six o’clock that evening, Jane opened the door and let him in while Brielle, donning an apron over her little red dress, finished preparing dinner for the kids. Brielle smiled at Malcolm as she took off her apron, then looked at Jane.

“Okay, Jane. Dinner’s ready, so feed the baby and then eat. If you girls get hungry later on, there are Hot Pockets in the freezer and there’s a small cup of ice cream for the baby,” Brielle told them as she joined a smiling Malcolm in the living room, “Now, don’t let anyone in the house exact Grandma Bennett, Granny, or Uncle Jesse. And Jane, no boys.”

“What?” Jane asked, surprised.

“Just for future reference,” Brielle told her.

“And if my friend, Roxie decides to come over, then what?”

“Roxie is fine. You can let her in the house. But that’s it, Jane,” Brielle said before leaving with Malcolm.

Malcolm took Brielle to dinner at Bon Appetit in Bush County. When the waitress took their orders, Malcolm spoke.

“So, you work for Atticus, do you?” he asked with a smile.

“I do. Atticus is the best boss man I’ve ever had. I think it’s because of he and Jo that I enjoy working at Bobtail Bud’s so much. And I absolutely love my customers. The customers come from all over the country. We’ve even had a few from as far away as Canada- places like  Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island- mostly truckers stopping in for a bite to eat or to rest. One came in from Alaska just last week. But a lot of locals come in too because of the friendly staff and the awesome food,” Brielle told him.

“I don’t doubt it, Atticus is a good man, and he has good business sense. People all over the country know about the Double Nickel Truck Stop and Bobtail Bud’s Cafe. Atticus and his business are known in all fifty states. Truckers have their own network and they sing praises of Atticus Carpenter, the DN and BB’s.” Malcolm said.

Brielle smiled.

A Good Dinner

“We go out of our way to take care of our customers. And that’s something that’s rare these days. Customer service isn’t what it used to be. Businesses have gotten to where they just don’t care anymore, so people are going to flock to the few businesses which are left who still believe in taking care of the customers,” said Brielle.

“I’ve noticed. And it’s a damn shame the stuff Atticus has been through. And he’s been through so much, Brielle.”

“Yes, he has. The Crabtree’s, they have ways of ruining people’s lives. And I hope to the goodness that one sweet day, they get the karma they deserve.”

Malcolm gave Brielle a look of seriousness.

“Believe me, I do too,” he said flatly.

“Well, on to more pleasant things. When we talked at Kim’s and over the phone a few times, you mentioned that you worked in corrections. That’s something I could never do. I’ve heard that it takes nerves of steel to work at that prison, and probably any other prison.” Brielle said, changing the subject.

Malcolm’s Job

“It does. There are a lot of things that go on there that anyone who hasn’t worked there knows nothing about. It’s awash with corruption. And it’s not the inmates you have to worry about, it’s your coworkers. Oh, forget about that- let’s talk about hobbies. Do you have any?”

“Honestly, I don’t know, Malcolm. I stay so busy with work and kids that I haven’t had time to think about any hobbies. I do enjoy my job though.”

When the waitress returned with their orders, she sat their plates in front of them and Malcolm dug into his twenty-four oz. steak, sawing off bite sized pieces. A loaded baked potato sat on his plate beside the steak.

Brielle took a bite of her mega prawns that were covered in butter wine sauce and savored the goodness before looking at Malcolm and nodding in approval as she pointed to her plate with her fork. Malcolm, fork in one hand and knife in the other, looked at her and smiled before forking the next bite of steak and transferring it from plate to mouth.

Malcolm’s Background

Once they were finished eating, Malcolm and Brielle weren’t in any rush to leave. They just sat there and made small talk.

“So, do you have any children?” Brielle asked as the waitress took their empty plates and laid the ticket on the table in front of them.

“I have an eighteen-year-old son. But my ex-wife had an affair with this rich computer geek from Washington State who frequently came to Memphis on business. She ran off with my little boy when he was four years old. She married the guy and moved to Washington State with him and took our son with her. I tried to keep in contact with River- that’s his name. Even paid child support because I loved him so much. But she didn’t want us to have a relationship and always seemed to thwart my every attempt to visit and any arrangements I made for him to come spend the summers with me. Eventually he didn’t want to see me. I kept up the child support payments but never got to see my son,” Malcolm explained, “There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him.”

“Malcolm, I can’t even imagine how painful that was. And I’m sorry that happened to you.”

Suddenly, the large bell on the front door of the restaurant ring loudly as someone entered. With their table that sat along the row of windows and just a few feet away from the door, Malcolm looked up to see who it was before an “oh shit” look suddenly spread across his face.

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C9-5

The next day was Thursday. Brielle first stopped at Olivia’s school and turned in her books. As she made her way through the halls there, she noticed the stares she got from some of the teachers and office personnel nearby. Next, she arrived at Thomasville High School and went into the principal’s office with an armload of textbooks.

“Mrs. Markowitz, how may I help you?” the principal, Mr. Winchester asked.

“I’m just here to turn in Jane’s books. She will not be returning to Thomasville High,” Brielle told him.

“Oh, yes. We heard about the knife fight, and we were prepared to address it this morning when Jane returned,” the principal said.

“Yeah? Well, that won’t be necessary because she’s not coming back here,” Brielle quipped.

“And why’s that, may I ask?”

“I think you know why. I’m enrolling her in Pathways Christian Homeschool. So, she will still be getting an education. She just won’t be getting it here,” Brielle told him.

Mr. Winchester leaned back in his chair.

Brielle Confronts Mr. Winchester

“Well, just so you know, we’ve filed an unruly child report and recommended that Jane be shipped off to reform school,”

Brielle gave the principal a serious look.

“Jane is a good kid and she’s being bullied! She has been for a while now! And none of you are protecting her! Some of her teachers are even joining in! I won’t let you send her up! No!” Brielle refused.

“Then the district will have to recommend it. In cases like these, we’ll see that our powers supersede yours.” Vice principal Walker said as he walked in.

Brielle gripped each side of the principal’s desk and leaned in toward the principal.

“Not if I home-school her! And let’s get this straight! She is my child! Not yours! Now, here are her books. She won’t be needing them anymore.” Brielle said as she sat Jane’s textbooks on the principal’s desk in front of him. She then walked out.

“Well, I’m sorry you feel that way, Ms. Markowitz,” Mr. Winchester called back.

As Brielle headed for the front exit, she noticed a group of snotty teachers standing nearby and glaring at her.

“What are you looking at?” Brielle fired off before walking out of the school.

The teachers looked at each other and shook their heads.

Brielle Takes her Girls Out of Thomasville Schools

“That woman is crazy, just like her daughter,” remarked one teacher.

“Yep. The apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree,” remarked a second teacher.

“I feel sorry for her. I truly hope the poor dear gets the help she needs before it’s too late. And I hope she gets her daughter some help too,” remarked a third.

Unbeknownst to the school, Brielle went into the school wearing a body camera she’d ordered online, which was disguised as a bejeweled broach she wore on her blazer style jacket. Brielle knew that if she was going to protect her babies from these narcissistic psychopaths, she would have to gather her own evidence and she would have to seek a court and law outside of Thomasville and Glover County.

One of the teachers then went into the office and approached one of the secretaries.

“I need to make an important phone call,” she said, “And I need to make it from the school phone so that it looks better.”

“Sure,” the secretary said kindly as she handed the teacher the phone that sat upon her desk.

The teacher began dialing.

Mr. Winchester, who sat in his office, also picked up his phone and dialed.

Brielle Enrolls Jane and Olivia in Pathways Home School

Next, Brielle took the girls to Pathways Christian Homeschool. The mother and daughters sat in the lobby for thirty minutes before they were called back to the office of the Dean of the school.

The Dean was a kindly elderly man of seventy, who had forgone retirement and loved the work he did. A tall, thin, bespectacled, silver haired man, he shook Brielle’s hand and the hands of both girls.

“I’m Mr. Culpepper, the Dean here at Pathways. I’m happy that you chose Pathways to provide the remainder of your education and I’m confident that these girls will have a wonderful educational experience here,” the Dean said in a friendly tone.

“Now, I’m curious. Why did you choose Pathways?” he asked with a smile.

“Because the kids at Thomasville Middle and Thomasville High were bullying these girls. And when I was going to school here, I also experienced bullying. It was so bad that the bullying my classmates dished out to me bordered on mobbing. And now, some of the teachers who teach there today are former classmates as is the sheriff and most of the powers that be in this town. And since they can’t get to me so easily, they’re now targeting my daughters. I’m also pretty sure that they’re having their kids target them too,” Brielle explained, “One of the kids slashed Jane with a knife yesterday and that was the last straw.”

The Girls are Excited at the Prospect of Home School

“Oh, yes. I hear that things are really bad in the Thomasville schools. In fact, they’re quite dangerous places to learn for a lot of kids. We have several students here at Pathways who were bullied at Thomasville Middle and High Schools. I remember getting their school records. And when I looked at them, I noticed their grades were poor and they had negative marks by the teachers there. But when they transferred here and began attending, their grades skyrocketed seemingly overnight. These kids school performance improved dramatically. And now, they’re doing wonderfully and many of them will get to graduate early. I have no doubt that your girls will do the same,” Mr. Culpepper assured.

Brielle looked at each of the girls and smiled.

“Well, girls. Are you excited?” she asked.

“Oh, I’m so excited!” Jane gushed.

“Me too!” Olivia said excitedly, “I can’t wait to get started!”

Brielle looked at Mr. Culpepper and smiled.

“Well, if you have the enrollment forms ready, I’ll be happy to fill them out and make a check out to pay for this year’s tuition and books,” Brielle told him.

“Are you sure you can afford it, Mom?” Jane asked, concerned.

The Dean of the Home School Welcomes the Girls

“Yes, baby girl! I make enough tips at work and with your dad’s child support, I can afford it. I wish I had done this long before now and I’m so sorry, sweeties! I’m sorry that I drug my feet and let things get out of control before I finally took you out of those hellholes. I feel partially responsible for you getting hurt yesterday, Jane. I’m so, so sorry,” Brielle told them as she wiped away a tear.

Jane and Olivia, who each sat on opposite sides of their mother, leaned against her and laid their heads on her shoulders. Brielle snaked each arm around each girls’ shoulder, giving them a big squeeze. Mr. Culpepper sat behind his desk and smiled.

“I’ll have my secretary get those forms,” he assured as he rose from his chair.

And so, the girls were enrolled and began their studies at Pathways. They attended school at home, with Brielle as their teacher in the mornings. Grandma Bennett took over the teaching duties during the hours Brielle worked at Bobtail Bud’s.

Both Jane and Olivia studied hard, using the kitchen table as their school desks. Their schoolwork had suddenly, almost magically, gotten much easier and before long, their grades skyrocketed, just as Mr. Culpepper had predicted.

The Girls Quickly Adjust to Home School and Their Grades Improve

Jane no longer had to worry about her grades being marred by school suspensions and detentions. And Olivia, no longer had difficulty in her schoolwork due to the hyper-vigilance she had sometimes struggled with due to being bullied by classmates at the middle school.

And as the first days of home school went by and the week progressed until it ended, it seemed that the girls had seen the last of the Thomasville school bullies and could finally leave the bullying they suffered in the past, where it belonged.

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C9-4

Brielle arrived home fifteen minutes later and burst through the door, anxious and terrified.

“Jane!” She cried.

“Back here!” Olivia called.

Brielle rushed into the bathroom and was horrified at the many droplets of blood all over the sink and vanity and the floor around it. She grabbed Jane’s arm to have a look at the knife-wound. She noticed that the slash was about three inches across the side of her shoulder and gaping open, revealing torn skin and muscle. Blood continued to ooze from the wound.

“Oh, Lord Jesus!” Brielle gasped, “What happened, baby!”

As Jane spoke, Brielle grabbed a large washcloth and white towel out of the linin closet by the shower stall.

“Janessa Holtz, April Hart, and Samantha Criss tried to attack me as I was walking to my bus and I had to defend myself. Janessa tried to hit me with a pair of brass knuckles and Samantha pulled out a switchblade and slashed my arm with it,” Jane explained.

Nurse Mom

“Olivia, go into Jane’s room and find her a tee shirt! We’re taking her to the hospital,” Brielle instructed, “She’s going to need stitches.”

Olivia did as she was told, bringing back an oversized tee shirt.

“Thank you, sweetie,” Brielle told her as she dressed Jane’s upper arm with the clean washcloth she made into a compress and wrapped the towel tightly around the wounded arm before tying it. She then helped Jane into the tee shirt.

When Brielle arrived at the hospital with the girls, a young, twenty something nurse immediately escorted Jane back to ER 7. Brielle and Olivia followed close behind. When the doctor arrived, he gave the order and Jane’s arm required sixteen stitches.

Brielle called the city police. Five minutes later, they arrived and made a report, then gave Brielle a copy.

Later, Grandma Bennett arrived, visibly worried.

“What are you going to do about this, Brielle?” she asked.

“Well, I just called the police and made a police report. They may not do anything about this. But at least, I have an official record of the attack,” Brielle answered seriously.

“Or you could get the state police involved,” Grandma Bennett suggested.

The Emergency Room

Meanwhile, Misty Allen Lindsay and Rita Winchester Crabtree, also nurses, were on their way back from a late lunch break when they caught sight of Brielle and Grandma talking in the hall. The two former bullies stopped suddenly, they then crept into an empty room nearest Brielle and her grandmother, out of sight. They listened closely as they hid in the vacant ER 6, the room next to the room Jane was in.

In the hall, Brielle continued to talk quietly.

“That was the last straw, Grandma. Jane’s not going back to Thomasville High,” Brielle swore, “I’m taking both Jane and Olivia out of Glover County Schools and enrolling them into Pathways Christian Home School first thing tomorrow.”

“That sound like a great idea, Brielle. They can’t continue to attend a school where they aren’t safe,” Grandma Bennett agreed, “And I can oversee them while you work. I’ll see to it that they study their lessons. You know me, Brielle. I’m a stickler when it comes to those lessons. I was with you when you would spend the night with me on the weekends and I will be with those girls.”

When the doctor released Jane to go home and the family left the hospital, Misty and Rita came out of the empty room and approached the nurses station.

Brielle Makes a Final Decision

“Can you tell us who the patient was in ER 7?” Misty asked the younger nurse who sat at the nurse’s desk.

“Jane Markowitz,” the younger nurse answered. “She got into a fight at school and one of the other girls slashed her with a switchblade. She had to have sixteen stitches in her upper arm.”

“Were the police called?” Rita asked.

“Yes. Ms. Markowitz called the Thomasville City Police,” the young nurse told them.

“We’d like to see the girl’s chart.” Rita said.


When the younger nurse handed Jane’s chart to Misty, Misty and Rita sat down, behind the long nurse’s desk. Sitting side by side, they both read the chart carefully before Rita picked up the phone and dialed. She paused before speaking.

“Bobby, it’s Rita. I have something to tell you that you need to know about,” she informed quietly.

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C9-3

During lunch, Bruce caught up with Jane in the lunch line.

“Hey, can we talk?” he asked.

“Nope,” Jane answered shortly.

“C’mon, Jane. Don’t be like that,”

“Don’t be like what? Like the way you were with me last week because you’re too macho to have a girl help you out a little in a fight? Bruce, I wasn’t just fighting for you, I was fighting for me too! They tried to jump both of us, not just you!” Jane told him flatly as she took her tray, then moved up to the utensil and napkin dispensers.

“Yeah, I know. But would it help if I said I’m sorry?” Bruce asked in a low voice.

Jane didn’t respond as she took her napkin and utensils and moved up to where the lunch ladies were serving the food. But Bruce would not be deterred.

“Look, I’m a jerk. I’m an ass. I’m a prick,” Bruce confessed, “I don’t blame you for being angry but I’m not giving up on you, Jane. You’re not like all these other girls and it’s why I like you so much.”

Bruce Swallows his Pride

Jane looked at him, as if to see if he was sincere. Bruce looked at her and nudged her with his elbow.

“C’mon, whadaya say? Can we be friends again?” he said with a grin.

Jane couldn’t help but smile back.

“Okay,” she answered.

“And, for what it’s worth, I agree with you one hundred percent. This school blows. And so does this town.”

That afternoon, after the dismissal bell rang, Jane was making her way across the school lawn and parking lot to her bus when Janessa, April, and Samantha stepped out in front of her from behind one of the parked school buses.

“What do you want?” Jane fired off.

“I think you know what we want! That stunt you pulled this morning, in Mrs. Dufresne’s class, didn’t score you any points, bitch!” Janessa growled.

“Damn sure didn’t earn you any respect like in the movies! You only further pissed us off, and a lot of other people,” Samantha spat.

“Fuck you and your damn feelings!” Jane told them, “Go tell it on the fucking mountain, you bunch of butt-hurt, snowflake crybullies!”

A Lethal Weapon

Suddenly, Samantha pulled a switchblade on Jane, and Janessa brandished a pair of brass knuckles on her fist as she drew back. A strong pair of hands grabbed Jane from behind. Jane delivered two elbow jabs to the ribs of Bubba Northam, the guy who had grabbed her, and at the same time, delivered a front kick to Janessa before she could punch her with the brass knuckles. . Jane then smashed Bubba’s shin with the heel of her shoe, causing him to drop to the ground like a stone. With the flick of her hand, Samantha managed to slash Jane’s shoulder with the switchblade before Jane grabbed her wrist and gave it a vicious twist, causing Samantha to drop the switchblade. Next, she he delivered a jab-punch to her face and busted her nose. Jane then ran to her school bus and jumped on just before it pulled away.

Jane took a seat and Olivia, who was already on the bus when Jane got on, shrieked, as did the other younger kids. The sight of the blood that covered the sleave of Jane’s blouse filled the younger children with shock and horror.

“Jane! What happened!” Olivia screamed.

“Stop, Olivia, it’s not bad!” Jane told her.

Jane instructed the bus driver to stop in front of their house instead of Grandma Bennett’s, and he did so.

When Jane and Olivia got off the bus, they rushed into the empty house and ran into the bathroom. She stood in front of the mirror over the sink. Jane tore off her blouse. Being top-naked except for her bra, she inspected the slash on her shoulder. Olivia watched, completely horrified, as more blood ran down Jane’s arm.

An Emergency Phone Call

“I’m going to call Mom!” Olivia said as she pulled out her smartphone.

“No! Don’t you dare! Mom is at work!” Jane scolded as she stopped Olivia.

“No! I’m calling her, Jane! You’re hurt and you’re bleeding!” Olivia said angrily, and she walked out of the bathroom.

At Bobtail Bud’s, Brielle was serving a family of four their meals when Atticus approached her.

“You got a phone call. It’s Olivia. Let Elsa take over your table and come to the back,” he advised her.

Brielle rushed to the back and picked up the landline phone that was laying on Atticus’ desk and out of the cradle.

“Hello,” Brielle greeted.

She paused and her eyes suddenly widened

before she continued speaking. Both Atticus and Jo saw Brielle’s face change and immediately looked at each other with expressions of concern.

“I’m on my way!” Brielle assured because hanging up.

A Mother’s Fear

“Is everything alright, Brielle?” Atticus asked.

“I gotta go, Atticus. I gotta go now!” Brielle said in a shaky voice, “Jane got slashed with a knife at school. She’s been dealing with bullying ever since the first time she stepped foot in that school! Breanna Lindsey, Audrey Crabtree, Ashley Childers and several others made her life a living hell last year! They stopped for a while but now, they’re right back at it again!”

“Oh my God! Is it serious?” Jo asked, terrified.

“She just got slashed on the shoulder, so I don’t think it’s life threatening! But it could’ve been!”

“Brielle, you go. Go take care of your daughter. We got this!” Atticus told her.

“Thank you both so much!” Brielle said, swallowing hard as the tears began to flow.

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C9-2

“Changing the subject, are you and Bruce talking again yet?” Roxie asked.

“Nope,” Jane answered, “He acted like a jerk, and I have no time for jerks. My dad was a jerk, and he treated my mom like a peasant! I watched my mom take so much abuse from him and I’ll be damned if I’m going to have anything to do with anyone who even smells of male dominance.”

“Bruce is not abusive, Jane,” Roxie told her.

“Maybe he’s not. But I’m not willing to take that chance, Roxie. He’s got a lot to prove to me and that takes time.”

“I understand.”

Fifteen minutes before the start of her first period class, Mrs. Dufresne had not arrived yet.  Jane walked in to see looks of resentment on the faces of not only Janessa, April, and Samantha, but many of the other classmates as well. Both Breanna’s and Audrey’s desks were empty. Next, Bruce came in and sat down in the desk next to her and Jane had nothing to say to him, acting as if he did not exist.

Jane Ignores Bruce

As the minutes ticked by, Jane would sense Bruce eyeing her as if he wanted to say something to her, but she held firm in her determination not to speak to him nor acknowledge him. A few more classmates came in, sneering at Jane as they walked by and took their seats.

One of them, a boy, looked at Janessa.

“Welp! I guess Crazy Jane showed up for school today,” he sneered, making sure to talk loud enough so that Jane could get an earshot. The remark was followed by scattered giggles and cackles.

“Yep! She’s got a lot of nerve, doesn’t she! Hell, I wish I was that brave!” Janessa taunted.

Two other girls sitting behind Jane continued to stare at her as they whispered in each other’s ear while pointing at her. Janessa, April, Samantha, and the classmates that sat around them continued to whisper and giggle as well. They too stared at Jane and pointed fingers at her. Bruce, turned at looked at the gossipers, shooting them a dirty look.

Enough is enough!

Finally, Jane finally had enough. She jumped up from her seat, causing the rest of the class to flinch in their seats.  The whispering and giggling stopped suddenly, so suddenly, it was as if someone had flipped a switch. The resulting silence was deafening. The entire class watched Jane with wide eyes and mouths agape as she darted across the room, approaching Janessa and the rest of the talkers.

“Oh, shit!” muttered a boy in the back of the room, piercing the silence.

“’Got something to say? Why don’t you come say it to my face! I’m right here! Don’t be a wuss all your life!” she said, raising her voice as she stood over them.

“Oh, there’s that crazy coming out again,” Janessa sighed sarcastically.

Janes eyes flashed and fire seemed to blaze in her eyes as she stepped closer to Janessa, placed her hands firmly on Janessa’s desk and leaned over her. Janessa’s eyes widened such that the whites of her eyes were fully exposed as they formed a complete circle around her irises. The corners of her mouth turned downward as she leaned away. Jane seemed to tower menacingly over the smart alicky red head as her eyes bore into Janessa’s.

“Sweetheart, you haven’t seen crazy yet. But keep it up. Just, keep it up! And I’ll bring such a flood of it on you that you’ll be scarred for life! Just keep pushing me, Janessa! Please! Give me a reason! All I need is a reason to mop the floor with your useless ass!” Jane shouted.

Telling the Bullies Off

She then took her hands off Janessa’s desk and stood up, facing the class before continuing to speak.

“You’re all a bunch of cowardly bullies! You think you can walk over anyone you don’t like! Anytime you feel like it! And what really takes the cake is that you think they’re just supposed to take it and even ask for seconds! Well, I’m not the one! I won’t bow down and take your shit! I won’t kiss your ass like the rest of these chickenshit cowards do in this sorry excuse for a school! This school blows, this town blows, as do most of the people in it! I don’t give a fuck about any of you! What you think and your opinions mean jack shit to me! And I’m telling you all one last time! Fuck off!” Jane told them all before drawing a hand back and swiping Janessa’s books off her desk and into the floor.

“Stupid motherfuckers!” Jane muttered as she stormed back to her desk.

Bruce just sat there and stared at her, shocked and speechless.

“Hey, you need to pick up Janessa’s books off the floor,” Samantha demanded Jane.

“Pick ‘em up your goddamn self!” Jane shot back.

Some of the other classmates just turned and looked at each other. Others only exchanged quick, uncomfortable glances.

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C9

Chapter 9


The next day, Kim came to visit Brielle on one of her days off from the salon while Hank was at work. Brielle was also off work for the next few days, devoting her off time to preparing for Autumn by planting marigolds along the side and back of her house, under the huge, tall shade trees.

It was the middle of August and the weather was unusually cool for that time of year.

Kim got down on her knees and helped Brielle as she scooped dirt and filled the holes around the newly planted bushes. Brielle than took her gloved hands and patted the loose dirt down before pouring more soil into the hole.

Kim spoke up.

“Hey, Brielle. You and Bill are legally divorced, right?” Kim asked.

“Yeah,” Brielle answered.

“Good. Because there’s someone, I want you to meet,” Kim gushed.

A Friend’s Offer

“No thanks. I don’t do blind dates, Kim. I appreciate your friendship and all. But I just don’t do blind dates,” Brielle said, shaking her head and putting her hand up, “Besides, I’m not looking for a relationship right now. I just got out of a bad marriage a year ago and I have no desire to chain myself to another man anytime soon. Nope!”

“Oh, jeez, Brielle. I’m not asking you to marry the guy, I just want you to meet him. That’s all. You need to get out and meet people. I have some friends coming over for dinner and I’d like for you and the girls to come too.”

Brielle smiled.

“Okay. We’ll be there. Thank you for inviting us over for dinner,” she said sweetly.

“You’re welcome. You work for Atticus, and you have three girls. So, I can imagine you get tired of fixing and serving food to people all the time. So, take a break and come eat with us.”

“You got it!”

And Brielle and Kim hugged each other.

Brielle’s Friends Come Together

When the evening of the dinner at Kim’s house arrived, many people showed up, including Brielle’s best friend Raina and her husband Paul. Popeye, Alvin, and Eartha were there also, as was Jo and Atticus.

There was also another man who looked to be around Brielle’s age but no one Brielle had ever met. He was an average-looking guy with medium brown hair and broad shoulders and chest. He was a tall, long-legged man.  He reminded Brielle of Clark Kent, only he didn’t wear eyeglasses or slick his hair with hair gel like the man behind the superman cape had. He would gaze at Brielle any time her back was turned.

When he finally worked up the nerve, he smiled warmly as he introduced himself to Brielle.

“Hi, my name’s Malcolm Malone,” he greeted as he stuck his hand out.

“Brielle Markowitz,” Brielle greeted back as she shook his hand.


After feasting on a dinner of barbecued ribs, baked beans, corn on the cob, and coleslaw, Kim turned on the stereo to catch the middle of Slash’s “By the Sword.” The kids, except Jane, played outside, running, and loudly cheering as they chased each other in the yard. Jane sat on the porch watching the younger ones as they tore through the yard, either running or on bicycles.

Brielle walked around in the yard, enjoying the evening sunset, and Malcolm caught up with her. Brielle smiled.

“Hi,” she greeted with a smile.

“Hello,” Malcolm greeted back.

“Beautiful fall evening, huh?”

“Absolutely. I love this time of year.”

“Me too. Fall is coming and it’s my favorite season. So, what do you do?”

“Correctional officer. And you?”

“Waitress. I work for Atticus, he and Jo are inside.”

“Ah Bobtail Buds! Great food. The best. And Atticus is a good man. He and I go back a long time.”

Getting Acquainted

Brielle was surprised to find that she liked Malcolm. The guy had a magnetizing charm and wit that was next to irresistible. She didn’t want to be drawn to him, but she was, and she couldn’t help it.

Later, before everyone went home, Malcolm and Brielle exchanged numbers.

Malcolm couldn’t stop looking at Brielle.

“Maybe we can go somewhere and have dinner and catch a movie,” he offered.

“Sure. I’d like that,” Brielle told him.

“Great. I’ll pick you up tomorrow evening at six,” Malcolm told her.

“I’m afraid I have to work tomorrow night. But I’m off next weekend,”

“Okay. Next weekend then.”

“Sounds good.”

The following Monday, Jane arrived at school and went straight to the library to sit down and study. Roxie joined her.

“Ugh! Another Monday,” Roxie sighed as she pulled out a chair and sat across from Jane.

“Yeah! I hate Mondays,” Jane related.

Roxie Puts a Bug in Jane’s Ear

“Look. I have something to tell you, Jane. That fight you and Bruce had with those arrogant idiots last week? People are talking. They’re saying that Daniel ended up in the hospital for a couple of days after you nailed him in the nads. You crushed one of his testicles and it may affect his ability to have children. And Breanna and Audrey, they’re recovering at home. Chandler went to the ER but he’s home. Ashley is here though, as is Ron and Bryson. Now, the sheriff knows about it, but they’re keeping it quiet because the clique don’t want their parents taking you to court. They know that word will get out that they got owned by you and Bruce and they’re afraid for their reputations. Can’t you believe it?” Roxie informed her.

“Yeah, I can. Those creeps have images to keep up. They have to keep everyone believing that they’re the baddest mothers on the block. Otherwise, they’ll lose face and people will lose respect for them. It must really suck to be them- having to walk around scared of getting knocked off their little pedestals. It’s such a pity,” Jane said tauntingly.

Roxie chuckled.

“Serves them right! Hell! They can’t go on treating people like shit and expect to get away with that forever. You know? What goes around eventually comes back around.” she said.

The Bullies Lay Low

“Yep. Karma’s a bitch,” Jane agreed.

“It was last week!” Roxie chuckled, “Girl! You and Bruce really beat the breaks off those jokers, didn’t you! God, I wish I’d been there! I’d have paid big money to have seen that! You gotta teach me some of those MMA moves some time.”

And with that, Roxie did an air karate chop with her hands.

“I just might do that,” Jane said with a smile.

“But Jane, listen. I’d keep my eyes and ears peeled. The powers that be in this town are a little too quiet about this shit and that’s usually not a good sign. Just watch out. Okay?” Roxie warned in a concerned voice.

“I’m already knowing it,” Jane assured her.

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C8-14

Later, back at the Markowitz house, Brielle was playing pat-a-cake with baby Kennedy, who was three months away from being two years old. When she heard a knock at the door, Bandit did his usual barking routine and dashed for the door. She got up, lifted Kennedy in her arms and carried her to the door.

As Bandit stood at the door, barking loudly, Brielle shewed his away with her free hand.

“Get back, Bandit! Go! Now!” she commanded the dog.

Brielle answered the door to find Raina on her doorstep.

“Hey! Come in!” she said with a smile.

“I hadn’t seen you in a while and thought I’d come visit and we can do some catching up,” Raina said, “So, how’s Atticus?”

“Atticus is still at work, has been for a while. He still has pains in his back and knees. And you know he’ll never see out of his right eye again. He’s still wearing the eye patch.” Brielle told her.

“Yeah, I heard. Give him my love when you see him,” Raina said.

“He’ll appreciate it.”

Two Friends Talk

Bandit went to the backdoor, scratched, and barked in a high-pitched tone. Brielle followed him into the kitchen, where the backdoor was, opened it, and let him out into the back yard.

After setting Kennedy in her highchair, Brielle sat down at the table with Raina. The month of August was ending, and it was unseasonably cool outside. Brielle and Raina enjoyed the fall-like breeze that blew through the screen of the storm door.

“I don’t know if you heard, but it’s starting again,” Raina said in a tone of concern.

“What’s starting again?” Brielle asked.

“People’s pets are coming up missing again. Have been for the last month.”

“Oh, Lord! Halloween is in two months, and you remember what Popeye said at Grandma’s the night after our court appointment. I’m lucky that I have a fenced-in backyard. But still, I’ll keep an eye on Bandit. He’s part of our family, has been for three years. If we lose him, it’s going to devastate me and the girls- all of us,”

“I just don’t understand it. Who would torture and kill a helpless animal?”

“I don’t understand it either, Raina.”

“Let’s go out back, sit on the patio, and watch Bandit.”

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C8-12

Grandma gave Jane her compress and she sat at the table, holding it against the bruise on the side of her head.

After Grandma treated Bruce’s eye. Bruce got up.

“Listen, I gotta head home. I just called my dad, and he is thoroughly POed! A real monster of a tongue-lashing awaits me, and I’d like to go ahead and get it over with,” Bruce explained.

“Well hang on and let me get my keys. I’ll take you home in my truck,” Grandma offered.

“Thanks, Mrs. Bennett,”

“Jane, you stay here with Olivia and the baby while I run Bruce home,” Grandma ordered.

Bruce kissed Jane on the cheek.

“I’ll see you at school in the morning,” he softly told her.

A Mother’s Concern

Later that night, Brielle arrived from work. When she caught sight of Jane sitting in the kitchen with Grandma, a stern look slowly crept across her face.

“I got your text this afternoon,” Brielle told her in a firm voice, “Do you mind telling me why you chose to go to the park with some boy instead of taking the bus home from school?”

“Mom, I didn’t think it would be a big deal as long as I told you where I was,” Jane replied, “I was honest, wasn’t I?”

“That’s not all that happened,” Grandma added, “Look the side of her face.”

“What?” Brielle shouted. She saw the bruise as she stood over Jane, placing her hands on her hips.

“Please tell me you didn’t get into another brawl…and on the first day of school!” Brielle said, raising her voice.

“Gee thanks, Grandma B! Couldn’t you’ve just let me break it to her?” Jane cried.

“Would you have told her, Jane?”


“Keep your voice down,” Brielle scolded.

Jane turned back to her mother.

Brielle’s Dismay and Bruce’s Bruised Pride

“Mom, look. There were eight creeps against the two of us and they were getting ready to jump us! You should’ve seen Bruce and what they did to him! We didn’t have any choice but to fight!” she cried.

“It’s not the fighting I’m angry at! Defend yourself if you have to! But it’s the fact that you went traipsing off to the park with some boy when you should’ve gotten your butt on that school bus and came home like you were supposed to!” Brielle chided.

“But Mom- “

Brielle put her hand up.

“Let’s just can it for tonight. I’ve had a long day, I’m tired, and I’m ready to go home and go to bed. We’ll resume this discussion in the morning,” she told her.

When Jane returned to school the next day, she saw Bruce sitting in the library and joined him.

“Hey, what’s up?” Jane greeted.

“Nothing,” Bruce said in a cold tone.

Jane noticed that he was distant and avoided eye contact with her. She gasped in indignance.

“’Something wrong?” she asked in a huff.

“I don’t wanna talk about it right now,” Bruce answered hotly as he got up and walked away.

Jane stood up and watched him go, shocked at the change of attitude. Her eyes then narrowed, brows furrowed, and lips thinned.

“Well, who the hell pissed in your cheerios!” She shouted.

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C8-11

This was the girls’ time to pounce. In the split-second Jane turned her attention to Bruce, they attacked. With Ashley sucker-punching her from the side and Breanna shoving her to the ground from behind. As Audrey was about to stomp Jane while she was on the ground, Jane quickly took her foot swept Audrey’s legs from underneath her, knocking her sideways to the ground. She then jumped up and took the three girls on.

As Breanna threw a punch, Jane moved fast as lighting as she dodged, grabbed her wrist, then twisted her arm behind her, forcing Breanna to double over to protect her arm. While maintaining a firm grip on Breanna’s arm, Jane quickly turned to see Audrey running up behind her. She delivered a kick to Audrey’s knee, causing her to howl in pain as she dropped to the ground. She then wrenched Breanna’s arm, pulling muscles and tendons and causing Breanna to cry out in intense pain before letting go.

This time, Breanna and Audrey were temporarily disabled, unable to move quickly because of their injuries. Ashley then grabbed Jane by the hair, twisting it around her wrist to get a firm hold, but Jane quickly twisted in a way that twisted Ashley’s arm, then grabbed a hold of her arm and slung her to the ground.


Just then, Chandler, having recovered, grabbed Jane from behind.

“How about I show you what a real man feels like, you dirty little whore!” He shouted just before Jane jabbed him in the torso with each of her elbows, then did a pivet and spin, delivering roundhouse to the side of Chandler’s head, sending him to the ground unconscious.

A bruised and bloodied Bruce was being pummeled by Ron, Bryson, and Daniel. With Breanna holding her sprained arm and, at the same time, trying to help a limping Audrey toward the parked vehicles, Ashley crawled on the ground behind them, reaching out for either of them to help her up. Seeing the girls slink off to the vehicles and Chandler, still on the ground unconscious, Jane ran to help Bruce.

Bruce, although pummeled, managed to get a few good licks in, punching Ron in the nose and busting Daniel’s lip. He then delivered a brutal eye gouge to Bryson. Jane ran up to the boys and yelled.

“Hey asshole! Turn around and face me!”

Standing Up for a Friend

Bryson turned around only to get the business end of Jane’s fist, right in the eye. Daniel managed to get behind Jane and grab her before body-slamming her to the ground. Jane landed on her side, then rolled over on her back just in time to see Daniel stand straddle of her, raising one foot high in the air to stomp her. Quick as a flash, she drew her knee to her chest and delivered an upward kick, catching Daniel directly in the crotch, and catapulted him backwards.

Daniel hit the ground with a hard thump, then let out a high-pitched shriek, like a girl. He grabbed his throbbing jewels and curled into a fetal position on the ground.

“Awww, fuuuuck!” He continued to shriek. He then coughed and vomited.

Jane looked up to see Ron fall after Bruce delivered the last brutal punch to his face. She got up slowly as Bruce ran up to her.

“We got to get the hell out of Dodge, fast! Come on, Jane, let’s go!” He shouted as he grabbed her by the hand. And the two ran out of the park as fast as their feet could carry them.

An hour later, Grandma Bennett’s front door flew open, Grandma Bennett jumped out of her easy chair to see Jane help Bruce into the house and lay him on the couch. Bandit ran down the stairs, barking frantically. Bruce’s left eye was swollen and turning black and blue. A trail of dried blood run from each corner of his mouth. Bruce was conscious but grunted in pain. He guarded his ribs.


“What in the Sam Hill!” Grandma shouted.

“We got into a fight in the park, Grandma B! Eight classmates tried to jump us!” Jane replied.

Bandit continued the loud barking before Grandma scolded him.

“Be quiet, Bandit. It’s just Jane. It’s alright, boy,” she said as she petted the dog to get him to calm down. She looked at Jane.

“The baby’s upstairs asleep.”

Grandma then knelt beside Bruce. Bandit lay on his belly in the corner, whimpering.

“Try to relax, young man,” She advised, “Stay with him, Jane. I’m going to the kitchen to get an old-fashioned home remedy and make a compress for that eye.”

When Grandma came back with the wet compress and put it over Bruce’s eye. Bruce grimaced not only in pain, but in disgust also.

“God, it stinks!” he said, “ugggh!”

“Well, it’s Apple cider vinegar and it’s gonna keep your face from swelling up like a balloon,” Grandma told him.

Grandma’s Home Remedy

She looked at Jane’s face, then took her by the chin and turned her face to the side to see a bruise on the side of her head.

“Oh, Lord Jesus, Jane! That’s looks bad! Let me go get another compress!”

Olivia came running down the stairs. She gasped when she saw Jane kneeling over the strange boy on the couch. The little middle-schooler was so shocked she couldn’t speak.

“Where’s Mom?” Jane asked, “We stopped by the house, but nobody was home.”

“She had to go into work early today. Jo got sick so Atticus called your mama in around lunchtime,” Grandma called back from the kitchen, “What on Earth were you two doing at the park. You were supposed to get on the bus and get off here. I called the school. Didn’t they give you the message?”

“No. I’m afraid they didn’t, Grandma,”

“Well, shoot! I can’t say I’m surprised! Those yoo-hoos at Thomasville High don’t give a crap!”

“Nope. They don’t,”

The Family’s Reaction

“So, why were you at the park when you should’ve been on the bus home?”

“We just wanted to go to the park for a little while, Grandma. And I texted Mom and let her know where I was,” Jane replied.

“Yeah, well, she was at work and couldn’t leave. But you can bet dollars to donuts that your mama’s going to ring your neck when she gets here tonight! I don’t think she’s going to like it one bit when we tell her what happened. So, you’d best brace yourself, honey,” Grandma warned, “Of course that’s a small price compared to what’ll happen if the sheriff catches wind of it! And you can be sure that he will! He’s got ears all over the place!”

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C8-8

After lunch, Bruce left Jane and the rest of the friend group to make a pit stop. Before leaving the boys’ room, he stopped in front of the mirror, then took out his comb and ran it through his dark hair.

As Bruce continued to primp in the mirror, Chandler, Kevin, and two newcomers to the clique Ron Peterson and Bryson Edman quietly entered. Looking in the mirror and seeing them approach him from behind, Bruce paused, giving the approaching boys a suspicious look.

The boys surrounded Bruce, with Chandler leaning on the vanity on his left side and Kevin, his right. Ron and Bryson stood behind him, feet apart, arms folded across their puffed-out chests, and one side of their upper lips raised in contempt. Their eyes bore into Bruce.

A Nasty Encounter

“Howdy, lover boy. So, we hear that you and the little karate queen are quite the item around here now,” Chandler taunted.

Bruce turned around and bravely faced the threatening boys.

“Yeah? And?” Bruce countered.

“Man! You really know how to pick ‘em, don’t you?” Kevin sneered.

“And this is your business, how?” Bruce fired back.

“I wouldn’t get cute if I were you,” Bryson warned.

“Yeah, well, you’re not me. So, why don’t you turds get fucked!” Bruce bit before walking toward the door.

As Chandler started to charge Bruce from behind, the other three boys restrained him.

“Easy, Chandler. Let the pussy go. There’ll be another time,” Ron told him.

Chandler stood there and drilled the back of Bruce’s head with his eyes.

“You little worm! I’d watch my back if I were you!”

Chandler was a senior, eighteen, and six feet four. He was blonde, blue-eyed, large built, and a quarterback on the varsity football team. Ron was a junior. He was dark-haired, dark-eyed, and muscular but puny and short for a guy at about five feet eight. Bryson Edman was also blonde haired and blue eyed, but an inch shorter than Ron and had a dumpy, squatty build. Kevin had medium brown hair, dark eyes, a square jawline, but, like Ron and Bryson, was a peon compared to Chandler.

Taking a Stand

Just as Bruce walked out of the bathroom, two more boys, huge like Chandler, walked into the boys’ room, looking down at Bruce with eyes of derision as they passed, then looked up at Chandler and his three buddies.

“’That slug giving y’all a problem?” Daniel Underwood, one of the pair asked.

Chandler, eyes blazing, shrugged his friends grip off him.

“Nothing I can’t handle,” he growled.

“Let me have a go at him, ya’ll! I know I can take him!” Ethan Byrd boasted.

And all six boys began giving each other fives and slapping each other on the back before glaring at the door.

“We’ll get his ass! I guarantee you! We’ll catch his ass somewhere off school grounds! Then, it’s on!” Chandler vowed.

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C8-7

When the warning bell rang, the friends said their goodbyes, and each headed to the front office, then their first period classes. This year, the district decided to hold school registration on the first day of school. Bruce stayed with Jane. They each looked at their class schedules and compared them. Then Bruce looked at Jane.

“’Mind if I walk you to your class?” He asked.

“Not at all,” Jane answered sweetly.

When Jane walked into Mrs. Dufresne’s World History class, she looked around as she made her way to an empty desk in the front row. She was shocked and dismayed to find that Breanna, now a senior; Audrey, Kevin, Chandler, and a few others of their clique; Becky Lee and Ashley Childers were in the same class with her, as was Janessa Holtz, April Hart, and Samantha Criss. Jane immediately predicted that this would probably be the most difficult class for her, and, not academically, but socially.

Among Enemies

Refusing to let it intimidate her, she calmly sat in one of the empty desks in the front row, but as far away from the menacing clique as she could. Fortunately, Bruce walked in too, having just realized that he had the same class as well. When Jane looked to see him, her muscles relaxed as the silent exhale of relief escaped her mouth and nostrils. He took the empty desk directly beside Jane and they both began to banter and chit-chat together.

The clique sat on the other side of the classroom, glaring evilly at Jane as she and Bruce continued to banter and giggle back and forth, their glares then settled on Bruce for about two minutes before returning to Jane and staying.

They shot fiery daggers at Jane as if she were public enemy number one.

“Well! Look who decided to grace our class with her presence, y’all. It’s the little karate queen!” Breanna sneered.

“Yep! And it looks like she’s got an admirer!” Kevin added disdainfully.

As Jane and Bruce continued their friendly chit-chat, derisive giggles and chuckles scattered throughout the classroom.

Evil Eyes

The hours ticked by quickly and, before they knew it, it was lunchtime. Bruce and Jane met Roxie, Brenda, and Andy in the school cafeteria. They each took their trays and sat at their usual table from last year. Bruce sat his tray next to Jane and pulled an empty chair next to hers. He then sat down beside her, across from Roxie, Brenda, and Andy.

Sitting at two tables pulled together across the cafeteria were members of the clique. And the group seemed to have gotten bigger as a few more of their associates moved a third table against the other two to make one long one. They all sat their trays down as Becky Lee pointed Jane out to the newcomers to the cool kids’ club. They all sat down continuing to glare at Jane. Then Chandler and Kevin turned their focus to Bruce, giving him an evil look that would wilt a houseplant.

Bruce, Jane, and the rest of their group were so busy laughing and catching up that they didn’t even notice the clique nor their angry and bitter stares. The dirty looks on the faces of the cool kids only intensified as they watched Bruce lean toward Jane, put his arm around her shoulders, and whisper in her ear.

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C8-5

When Christmas break ended, Jane was much more excited to start school, than she had been at the beginning of the year. Of course, she still had to see Breanna Lindsay, Audrey Crabtree, Janessa Holtz, Samantha Fisher, and April Hart. But the worst they had done was give her dirty looks and talk about her behind her back. Jane did not care about that as long as they stayed away from her and her friends.

Olivia and Carmen also did better, both seeming to start the second semester on the right foot.

There were no more instances of bullying, and everything seemingly returned to normal.

A Mysterious Lull

Summer returned and still, no sign of drama. Everything seemed to flow so well for the Markowitz’s and the Bennett’s that the hot days of June, July, and August seemed to fly by. Things were going so well, it was almost like a dream. But bullies like the Crabtree’s and their minions didn’t just disappear forever. People like them always had ways of showing up again.

Townies, Cronies, and Hayseeds II C8.3

As Brielle was hanging up with her grandmother, Jo came outside and got into Brielle’s car with her.

“What time is it?” Jo asked.

“Almost two a.m. Any word on, Atticus?” Brielle responded.

“He’s conscious now. But he can’t see out of his right eye, Brielle. And that hematoma? What if he has a major brain bleed and…” Jo sobbed.

Brielle leaned across the middle console and embraced Jo in a hug. Jo sobbed on Brielle’s shoulder as the distant chopping and whir of helicopter blades faded in, growing louder and louder. Brielle looked through the windshield into the blackness of the night sky.

Brielle Consoles Jo

Suddenly, Brielle heard a loud tap on her driver’s side window. Brielle turned around and looked to see who was at her window. It was Bobby, tapping on it with his flashlight. Ashton, who was with him, leaned on the side of Brielle’s SUV and folded his arms, wearing the same smug smirk on his face.

“What the hell do you want?” Brielle barked bitterly.

“We’ve been watching you, Brielle. Who were you on the phone with a while ago?”

“None of your damn business! What are you, the Gestapo!” She chided.

“Get the hell out of here, you Nazis!” Jo yelled at the crooked lawmen, “get out of here now! I know you both had a hand in this! You did this!”

The two county cops chuckled derisively before tipping their hats to the women and walking away.

“Those bastards! Those evil, hellish bastards!” Jo yelled.

Brielle continued to hug Jo until she calmed down. She then looked at Jo.

“Listen, those idiots aren’t real law. They put shame on the sheriff’s badge. And you need to stay with Atticus, So, I’ll cover your shift and mine if I have to,” Brielle told her gently.

“Thank you, Brielle. Thank you so much,” Jo said, with tears still streaming down her cheeks.

A Mysterious Lull

Over the three weeks that Atticus was in the hospital, Brielle worked many long shifts, covering for Jo. Many loyal customers would stop Brielle to ask how Atticus was doing and she made sure to fill them in on his progress.

Also, because Jane had made many friends out of the targets and other students on the lower and middle levels in the school hierarchy, the higher-ups had decided to back off her. Because things seemed to be peaceful, Jane thought that she’d seen the last of the drama her bullies had brought her during the first three months of school. She soon became comfortable at school and her confidence showed so much that everyone noticed.

Brielle was relieved that her daughters were doing much better in school. She felt that things were indeed looking up for the girls. Also, the sheriff and the rest of the old clique from years ago seemed to disappear from Brielle’s life. Because it seemed that everyone had stopped confronting her, Brielle could finally breathe, and she too grew more comfortable with her life. It seemed that things were looking up for everyone who had, in the past, found themselves in the crosshairs of the Thomasville elite.

A Well-Needed Break Nonetheless

Lord knew why they’d suddenly stopped bothering Brielle and the rest of the so-called undesirables. Maybe they wanted to watch their p’s and q’s because they didn’t want to get arrogant and careless like Johnny Crabtree had years before. The old clique didn’t want to do anything that might get them in trouble.

Had they stopped for good, or was it only a temporary break designed to lull the Markowitz’s and the Carpenters into a false sense of security? Had they grown bored or was this a trick to lull them into bringing down their defenses?