
Humiliation and exile. A crowd of people chase a sad person

Hellos and greetings go ignored

Your very existence abhorred

Your smiles met with gritted teeth

As they skillfully keep you underneath

Your humanity they deny

Your life they decry

Your success they envy

Their lives must be so empty

Caught up in wolf-pack mentality

And collective distortion of reality

You feel their derangement

It traps you in estrangement

Their hatred, apathy, and scorn

Pierces you like a thousand thorns

At the sight of you they bristle

Their vibes poke you like a thistle

They all want you dead

Their presence fills you with dread

They see you as a threat

But don’t you dare fret

For not much longer you will face

You will leave that dreadful place

You will go to a different place

Where you’ll preserve your face

In your new environment you’ll blend

And make many a true friend

Your planned escape will right this wrong

So, hold on, it won’t be too long

Deep in The Eyes of a Target of Bullying

You see the anguish- the desperately yearning to belong.

You see the hopelessness and despair- the wondering if things will ever get better.

You see the fear- the knowing he/she could be physically or psychologically attacked at any moment, or many even killed.

You see the sadness- the wanting to cry but not daring to for fear of looking weaker than they already look to others.

You see the determination- the determination to survive another day.

You see the silent pleas for help- help that is being denied and seems to never come.

You see the lack of trust in humanity- because the person has been let down too many times. How can that trust be restored?

You see the exhaustion- the weariness of the constant battle they face.

You see the yearning for peace- the desperately wanting the war to stop so they can relax, breathe, be themselves, and not have to fight anymore.

And lastly, you also see the fire of determination- to create a better life for themselves and to build a better tomorrow!

With knowledge comes empowerment!

Wings Clipped

Cut cut snip snip
My wings bullies clip
Kill it- don’t let it grow
Is their collective motto
The gravity that keeps me earthbound
With my feet anchored to the ground
Is lies, smears, ugly words of hate
I hope help comes before it’s too late
I want to fly away far from them
To keep from sinking I must swim
But they ensure that I don’t fly
And those who can help ignore my cry

To ensure I continue kneeling
They keep me from healing
My virtues they scorn
I can’t get airborne
They can’t stand to see me soar
Despising me down to their core
I want to fly high above the crowds
And soar beyond the clouds
I want to see the bright sunshine
And reclaim what once was mine
The pressure of their hate
Is like a millstone weight
Keeping me shackled
As they viciously heckle
I’m locked in an invisible prison
With walls that block my vision
Of happiness and freedom
And the realization of my own kingdom

But one day I’ll heal these broken wings
And fly away to better things
With a little personal sacrifice
I’m fly away to my own paradise
I’m break their anchors and chains
And fly away from these pains.
I’ll escape this quagmire
And build my own empire
God will hear my cries
And I’ll touch the skies
With broken wings turned to scars
I’ll fly high enough to reach the stars

“Silent Screams” by Cherie and Amber

Nobody hears the deafening screams but me,
incessantly blurring the thinking inside my mind.
Nobody knows my pain, they only guess and that’s good enough for them,
whilst assumptions and judgements smear the cracked glass of reality.
Their screams can be heard loud and clear,
searching for their prey, drooling from their lips.
But mine are only hidden and obscured,
suppressed and confined to protect the camoflague of my sanity.
I can’t let them see me wounded,
for they will pounce on the opportunity to get their ego fix of daily pain to feed themselves.
Can’t let them see me sweat,
for they will smell their meat from distances.
I must remain strong even if I must fake it,
smiling behind a facade of torn misery.
Can’t allow them to see my vulnerability,
lest they strike the final blow that kills me forever.
Sometimes there is no coming back from the horror of the ever running cycles of hunter and prey.

When You Look into The Face of a Target of Bullying

You see the anguish- the desperately yearning to belong.

You see the hopelessness and despair- the wondering if things will ever get better.

You see the fear- the knowing he/she could be physically or psychologically attacked at any moment, or many even killed.

You see the sadness- the wanting to cry but not daring to for fear of looking weaker than they already look to others.

You see the determination- the determination to survive another day.

You see the silent pleas for help- help that is being denied and seems to never come.

You see the lack of trust in humanity- because the person has been let down too many times. How can that trust be restored?

You see the exhaustion- the weariness of the constant battle they face.

Lastly, you see the yearning for peace- the desperately wanting the war to stop so they can relax, breathe, and not have to fight anymore.

Trust Issues and Why Targets Have Them


It’s not that targets don’t want to trust people because they do. They want so badly to be able to trust someone not to harm them or to turn on them.

Targets want so much to trust, to be able to relax and to be comfortable in social situations. Only they don’t know who to trust. Therefore, it’s much safer not to trust anyone- safer to put up walls and keep the rest of the world out.

Targets have, over time, built up invisible fortresses around themselves for protection. The problem with this is that these protective fortresses can become prisons and sometimes tombs!


Here’s why this happens:

1. Targets of bullying have been outcasts for so long they don’t trust invitations to events. Even worst, they don’t trust people enough to even talk to them.

2. They get blamed for everything that goes wrong in the environment they’re stuck in.

3. They’ve been treated so badly that they’ve lost faith in humanity.

4. Bullies and their followers have, in the past, baited the target into trusting them somehow, all for the purpose of pulling a joke or prank on him. And the target can no longer risk being fooled again.


Understand that people need human connection. And trust issues are a factor that re-enforces isolation and is no way for anyone to live. It’s a terrible existence and can sometimes create an opportunity for the target to commit suicide.

If you notice that your loved one is isolating themselves or is developing trust issues. It’s imperative that you lovingly talk to them, do a little investigating, and find out why.

Someone just might be bullying your loved one.